A Journey In Consciousness

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Concept of Divine Wrath and The Wrathful Deities

In Asia the Concept of the wrathful deities is well known and understood. We have here beings that are terrifiying to look at, but they are not evil by nature, rather, their existential purpose is to defy and conquer evil, just as Durga's in-built purpose is that... (while she still looks a bit more beautiful.)

They represent Divine Wrath as a way of bringing a full stop to events that may have gone on long enough and now it is time to stop. Divine Wrath brings irrevocable termination to things that are corrupt, dishonest, abusive, and evil. When Jesus was able to single-handedly deal with an entire group of money changers at the temple and could not be stopped --- that is Divine Wrath in full action.

When I was in Japan, my old friend Rikuro Miyai showed me Mount Takao, outside Tokyo. He said I would love it because the entire temple was surrounded by fiery Buddhas. Buddhas that carried weapons and basically were not the peaceful figures one might be used to. The Warrior Buddhas. The Dharmapalas. Since they are designed to be victorious over evil domains, they look truly terrifying and are equipped with everything needed to do the job....

The distinction within Tibetan Buddhism between the peaceful deities and the wrathful ones --- is significant, because you cannot dedicate your time to peaceful meditation and action if your house is under attack. So, when your house is under attack, you call in the Warrior Buddhas, or Warrior Angels, if your orientation lies with the Angels. You call Vajrakila, Durga, or Archangel Michael and you do it in an intesity that is so strong that it will electrify the very air you walk in and by doing so... you become a Spiritual Warrior, bringing to this planet a quality that is so very needed in our current time: The ability to emanate a powerful, very potent and effective NO to that which destroys the beauty and the goodness that is underlying all of humanity and all life on this very planet.

I invite you to activate within you exactly this very quality. I invite you to become a Spiritual Warrior.

Join me on facebook...

Andreas Mamet

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Appreciating and honoring Neil Cohen

I wish to use this moment to state my deep appreciation of Neil Cohen. His dedication to the Dharma is awe-inspiring and his personal practices and efforts of cultivation have brought him to very substantial levels of realization. (Mostly unrecognized where he lives) More than once I have seen his compassion in action in a way that makes me wish there are more people on the planet like him. In fact, there were tmes when I was personally deeply affected and helped by it.

His work with exploring the dimension of the heart and bringing it to a tangible experience is a gem in the world of Dharma Teaching and equally still vastly unrecognized, as is the depth of his wisdom. His Dharma Prison Service is amazing and the generosity he expresses through sending solar flashlights and other gifts all over the planet has LITERALLY saved lives! I am hopeful that this statement sends him into complete embarrassment, I would like to see his face turn beet-red.

Those of you who know me, I am a person who will quickly challenge lofty expressions of consciousness to find if they have substance, and I am truly difficult to please. So, if it holds in my view, if it passes the iron-clad standards to which I hold myself, I will say, here is great substance. And wherever there is great spiritual substance, it should be honored, because it is rare and precious. So, Neil - I am honoring you today.

And to the Mt. Shasta people who read this, give him a hug from Andreas when you see him at Berryvale or the Postoffice (where you are bound to see him, because he sends his Dharma Gifts out every day).


Monday, June 15, 2009

Transmission ( Story by Andreas Mamet)

The old monk has taken David to a small temple in the middle of New York City.
They sit in front of a Buddha statue.

David: "What does it mean to be free from all illusions and to know one’s true nature?"

The old monk: "Only when you experience it will you truly understand. Until then, words and intellect can join to play a deceptive game with you. It is best to avoid, you know. But maybe we can catch a glimpse."

Unexpectedly the old monk leans over and gently touches David’s left temple.

Instantly David hears the powerful sounds of ocean waves. He feels disoriented and dizzy. The sudden impact of change unfolds like a spell. David’s body becomes perfectly motionlessness.

His breathing is slowing down to almost standstill. There is not a ripple of thought in him at all.

Peace has arisen like an indestructible powerful fortress. His being is shockingly vast. It consists of many aspects that playfully interblend. It is a breath-taking translucence, woven into a deeply felt sense of fulfillment. Simultaneously it is aliveness so strong, it could be compared to the powerful presence of a high-voltage current. It is also joyfulness beyond words. And there is the unexplainable essence of knowing, unrelated to any object. All this and more had come to unfold in him...

A sound like thunder impacts. The vastness is beginning to contract again. It is as if a strong, invisible force is confining his consciousness again to fit into his body. He opens his eyes.

The old monk: "Have a cup of tea." He points to a beautiful bowl placed before him.
"Quite a journey, huh?"

David does not reply. His being is imbued with a tremendously powerful essence. He feels changed. His usually active mind is quiet. Silence surrounds him now like a sweet fragrance.

It was clear that the old monk had transferred to him a gift from his compassion-filled soul. An overwhelming sense of gratitude is arising in David.

David: "How can I thank you for this?"

The old monk: "There is no need to thank me now. Just remember what's been given to you and one day share your heart's song with others. In that sharing your gratitude will be expressed best. Never forget the compassion of the ones who help you."

The old monk emphasizes this with a cheerful smile.

David: "I will remember, I promise."

The old monk: "That's good. Now let’s go.”

They get up and leave the temple.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The awakened mind

I have observed that it is intrinsically in the nature of communication between Bodhichitta, the awakened mind, and the unawakened mind, to be offensive to the unawakened mind. That is simply because the basic message of the awakened mind is: You are asleep. Wake up.

This is a corrective statement, designed to engender a shift. Even if this message is presented with all the diplomatic acrobatics available, it is still offensive to the mind that does not want to experience the invitation, the nudge, the correction and wants to continue to snooze.

It is bound to say, who the heck to do you think you are???

Which is precisely why quite a few of the Awakened Beings, the Buddhas, got treated with a lot of disrespect, at best, and killed at worst. History is full of the violence that the unawakened mind showered upon those who attempted to speak in the language of Universal Awakening.
The awakened mind is a nuisance.

Saturday, June 06, 2009


Chers Raylène et Andréas, cher Olivier,

Tout d'abord, permettez-moi de vous renouveler tous mes remerciements pour ce qui me touche dans votre trio magique : ce cocktail subtil entre force, engagement, générosité et amour. A mes yeux, vous travaillez avec les incroyables compétences et réalisations dont vous êtes dépositaires dans le respect et la tendresse vis à vis des participants, mais aussi dans une jolie alchimie entre vous trois. C'est vraiment précieux à mes yeux, car dans votre fonctionnement, vous êtes illustratifs de ce que vous enseignez : générosité, écoute, attention et tendresse. Tout en gardant vos spécificités, chacun avec votre style et votre tonalité, il me semble que vous vous complétez à merveille. C'est un vrai bonheur de vous voir à l'oeuvre, et grand enseignement pour moi qui, professionnellement, anime avec un associé des stages de développement professionnel.

Au-delà de ce bonheur à bénéficier de votre présence, j'ai ressenti bien des choses durant ces trois jours.

1 - d'abord, les montées émotionnelles étaient déjà à l'oeuvre avant même de commencer. Cela s'est poursuivi tout au long du stage. Je me suis laissée envahir, sans me juger, par ces larmes qui venaient du plus profond de mon être. La respiration du coeur, stimulée par Raylène, me permet à chaque fois de sentir les couches de souffrance - même pas identifiées - se dissoudre dans mon coeur, élargir mes champs de représentation, puis disparaître dans l'univers. Probablement grâce à ces nettoyages successifs, je ressens, après les mantras et les invocations, dans les temps de silence, que je vais de plus en plus "profond" ou "loin" dans mon silence intérieur.

2 - lors du soin du samedi soir, j'ai été touchée par la douceur de l'amour que je ressentais dans la transmission de J.

3 - dimanche midi, une grande révélation : lors de la méditation en silence du déjeuner, j'ai compris comme dans un choc : je n'ai pas à aimer Dieu, mais à faire le vide pour me laisser aimer par Dieu. Juste attendre qu'Il vienne, et Lui permettre de me toucher ... Renversement de représentation incroyable, qui m'a permis le lundi de vivre ce que j'ai ressenti comme une expérience de libération ; je me suis autorisée à laisser sortir plein d'énergie "garbage". C'est la douceur de Raylène, en même temps que son appel ferme, puis l'engagement puissant d'Andréas qui m'ont permis ce laisser-être, nouveau pour moi. Par votre façon d'être, je me sens en sécurité. J'ai aussi apprécié les couvertures, j'avais si froid ...

4 - puis, j'ai "Vu" Jésus-Christ à mes pieds. Mon mental ne pouvait dire qu'une chose, en boucle, des dizaines de fois à la suite : " je ne suis pas digne de Te recevoir, mais dis seulement une parole et je serai guérie". J'ai alors reçu une épée d'or et je me suis dit : "lève toi et marche". A ce moment là, le fait d'entendre D. dans l'assemblée m'a rappelé que mon mental était là, que je voulais contôler le processus et ... qu'il y avait encore bien du chemin à faire ! Et comme pour jouer un tour à ce fameux mental, Andréas m'est alors apparu très distinctement à deux endroits différents de la pièce en même temps. Cela m'a fait rire, et j'ai lâché ma tête ...

5 - enfin, bonheur de renouer avec l'énergie de guérisseuse que je connaissais sans doute dans des vies antérieures. Quelle joie et quelle jubilation que de sentir lundi après-midi mes mains traversées par des pluies de pétales de rose, ou d'étoiles ou encore de perles de rosée qu'il me suffisait de secouer avec tendresse sur celles qui recevaient les soins.


Monday, June 01, 2009


It is by the sheer and living grace of the Buddhas that the workshops we give are not workshops. They are platforms into the Divine Experience. No more. No less.


"When I am allowed to enter Samadhi, there is no I. There is no self. There is only the Oceanic Presence of Electricity and the Infinite Indescribable luninosity. At this Grace the body unfailingly is in tears, in this event of finally being allowed Home, and having been found worthy!"
Andreas Mamet

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