A Journey In Consciousness

Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Illusion

So what is this illusion and the consequent values upon which we base our lives that I mentioned ?

The Number One Illusion that we all suffer from is the illusion of separation. As we normally function, we are utterly rooted in the perception of separation and our actions, words and thoughts are based upon this perception. As we are in the midst of this perception, it feels absolutely real and we will fight to the death (and do) to maintain our view of separation.

Only extremely unusual circumstances are capable of breaking our view and belief in separation.

As we are firmly rooted in the midst of the view of separation, all things material feel extremely solid and we are not in touch with what is the substance that is at the core of everything we can see or touch….

To be anchored in this way of perceiving is to be anchored in what in Asia is called Maya. We are deluded and we cannot see the reality of existence.

Only a deep moment of love … or a deep moment of meditation is capable of breaking this spell.

Therefore, may this love and meditation come to us.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Whispers of the Soul

When a human being is in pain and suffering, anybody in that position will accept an invitation that suggests the cessation of that suffering. It is common.

However, when we are okay and our life is fabulous to accept an invitation that suggests a journey into the experience of greater soul depth is another matter entirely. Now we say, “But everything is okay, what do I need this journey for?” Now, only a percent of a percent of persons in such situation may stop to reflect and allow themselves to explore the Intelligence of the Heart. It is this Intelligence that would prompt us to seek greater depth, that would whisper to us, “Search your soul, honey, search it with all you’ve got! Let everything arise from there!”

That whisper indeed is so soft, most of us cannot hear it.

It is for that reason that life has an in-built potential for sudden suffering, as it is this suffering that causes us to question the values upon which we build our lives. And in that questioning we gain receptivity to the Values of the Soul. And with that receptivity comes the possibility for change.

When everything is fabulous, we are too busy for the soul’s whispers, we say…. “Later, later…”

Later does not come, but Life has its ways to stop us and finally fling us into deeper reflecting and then there will be no arguing with those oceanic forces that make our limited, illusion-based values crumble like a house of cards.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Another tear

When the awakening modality is truly massive, all our personal life stories we are so attached to simply die and become irrelevant. Even the focus on compassionate actions, on the desire to assist others, is surprisingly transcended in that instant. In that moment of awakening, all expressions of life are recognized as a movie --- totally unreal. There is just the Radiance, interblended with form and the shock of the new view.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Basho Cries

Taking insight into the nature of one’s reality is utterly shocking. The awakening streams into every fiber of one’s existence and nothing remains the same. It is said that Basho cried for three days after his awakening. My body knows why he cried.

Spiritual Teaching

For a human being to become a genuine spiritual teacher, a massive amount of training is involved, not just the personal training of diving deep into his own soul to there meet the Cosmic Soul, but also the training that allows her or him to communicate and transmit the findings of this process. Such persons themselves are subject to ongoing modalities of initiation and as they pass through those initiations and find still greater soul depth, they in turn may wish to pass their findings on to others.

But of those that come before them, only a small percentage actually will be able to receive the transfer of the soul treasures, since this transfer can only take place if their own desire for it is strong enough and their focus on their own training is solid and persists over long periods of time.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Softening to Essence

Every moment we are surrounded by 360 degrees of choices for our words and actions. We can speak and act from our mind, from our emotions, or from our hearts and souls. We can speak and act from our shadow or from our Light. The choice is always and constantly ours.
To be able to make correct choices, we always have to be mindful of this and when being mindful, we are usually required to soften to the Essence of Our Heart and Soul and as we soften, we become able to permit the wisdom that resides deep within and by doing so we make way for an outcome that is beautiful to behold.

To choose our hearts and souls to determine our course in life is the most preferable and, at times, also the most difficult, but we can do it.

So let us start today.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Raylene's Book on Amazon.com

Between the Visions
Review from Mt. Shasta Magazine
Vol. 5 Issue 1
By Michou Landon

Mount Shasta's own Raylene Abbott has birthed a
sweet and intimate memoir of one woman's ever-
deepening journey of healing, integration, Union
with the Beloved - human and Divine. Gently and
simply written, playful and passionate, it is at times
a poignant, powerful read.

Explanatory passages, which may seem very basic
to some, ensure that the "less spiritually traveled"
readers are included and even educated. Even so,
some of the content may command a considerable
spiritual maturity or at least openness.

Biographical narrative ties together the author's
visions, which have served to illuminate her regular,
3-D, human experiences. Often these visions contain
symbolism of buried cultures, reviving the timeless
truth and tangible relevance of images made cryptic
by time and tyranny.

Union is the cohesive theme, whether as Union of
Heaven and Human, Etheric and Earthly, Feminine
and Masculine, or the universality among all
spiritual traditions and practitioners. The gift of
Abbott's personal accounts is to illustrate this unity
more experientially than theoretically.

This is, however, as the author concedes at the
outset, an account of experiences whose true essence
and impact are beyond the realm of words. This is
why the level of each reader's spiritual openness,
humility and maturity can greatly influence how s/he
receives the content and message; that is, how much
s/he finds resonance and inspiration in the
experiences and how much s/he feels an awkward spectator.

Tantric exploration features importantly in the
book; the candid sexual passages could challenge
some, which might not be a bad thing. True Tantra
holds promise for the salvation of many.

This little book holds potential value for everyone,
whether to answer questions, plant seeds, or truly
inspire fellow travelers on the numinous journey home.

Article about our work in a Japanese Magazine

Blueprints of the Soul

Every soul comes with a blueprint of behavior and projects, of things it wants to accomplish in this life. However, this blueprint then gets forgotten in the process of getting educated and programmed along the lines of the particular values, promoted norms and the status quo of ignorance of any given society on this planet.

While there exist multiple reasons for the arising of depression, one major reason for the individual's experience of depression is the separation from the soul's purposes and projects.

Other superficial purposes have overridden the soul's blueprint and are being pursued and given energy instead. The soul will tolerate this only for a certain period of time before a great sadness sets in. This sadness functions as a messenger of the soul. It says: Wake up, change your goals and priorities and let me be in command of your life again.

And only in the arising of cooperation with one's own soul will this great sadness lift. If one continues to refuse to cooperate with the guidelines of one's own soul, then we will find ourselves on a collision course with life itself.

And guess who will win.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Year Meditation

The New Year has arrived and I would like to set the tone for this new beginning by introducing the following Bodhisattva Meditation. The technique arose in my practices and I am sharing it here.

Sit quietly for a few minutes. Then, as you breathe in think the words I AM and feel Universal Power enter into the top of your head, filling you completely.

As you breathe out, think RELIEF OF ALL SUFFERING and visualize Planet Earth between your hands. See the Universal Power stream into the whole of Earth, erasing suffering.

Do this for 30-45 minutes. The effect of this technique is immense and will connect you immediately with the collective presence of all Bodhisattvas. This technique has powerful impact, even if you do not feel this for a while.

Practice it daily for 40 days and see what happens. Since you have committed to erasing planetary suffering, it will affect your daily life intensely.

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