A Journey In Consciousness

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Most Important Thing In Your Life

When, more than anything in the world, you want to become a master singer, dancer or musician, how will your life look like? To my surprise I discovered that when I ask people what is the most important thing in your life, they often answer what they would LIKE the most important thing to be, rather than it being.

The most important thing is our life is that upon which we spend most of our time. I once asked a man that question and he said his family. But in fact, his profession took him away from his family weeks at a time. If we are honest with ourselves, all we have to do and write a list of how we spend our time. Then we know what is the most important thing, in reality.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Being in the pressure cooker

In 1976 I entered the extremely high-powered energy field of Osho and his teachings and for 5 years lived there (in India). The effort of meditation, both personal and collective, was enormous. Consequently, the electric atmosphere of this field was incredibly intense and it brought to the surface many of my personal immaturities and weaknesses, the parts about me I liked the least. It took me a while to recognize this and my initial reaction to this revelatory process was to blame others, point fingers and refuse to be responsible and accountable for my personal weaknesses and actions. I

I realize my entire life was flung into a huge pressure cooker. The heat was on and everything functioned as giant mirror, for me to see the totality of both my human and divine nature. More than once I found this process nearly unbearable and painful. Many life situations arose that mirrored back to me the places where I needed to grow most. These became the points of greatest resistance, where in general one would say, this is not me! It's just YOU WHO MADE ME DO IT!

During the process of the soul flying to the Light it is required to leave behind patterns and programs of behavior that are not in alignment with and unacceptable to Divine Presence. This process of separating the wheat from the chaff, of separating the dross from the gold, is difficult at best and painful at worst, but it is unavoidable.

This process happens to us daily anyway, but if we enter and Energy Field where profound, substantial teachings are active, then this process is accelerated greatly.

And, this process never really stops as long as we are on the human plane.


Another explosion this morning, this time directly in meditation. It lasted only about 10 seconds, it was like the bursting of blinding white sunlight in the center of the chest. Simultaneously a sensation of electricity accompanying it. Again deep shock.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

My Moment

The awe-inspiring grace and beauty
Of illumined souls
Joining under the Star of Compassion.

Friday, May 15, 2009

On Mandalas

Medicine Buddha & Support Team

Mandala is a Sanskrit word, which in its simplistic interpretation simply means “Circle.”

However, for me it is a fascinating word that contains multi-dimensional mysteries, embedded with deep and complex meaning.

To me the word Mandala represents a “Wholeness that is made up of many, potentially very different aspects that together create the Wholeness.”

This is how I define the word. According to this definition then, the world becomes a phenomenon of an infinite array of Mandalas, interacting with each other and forever connecting the micro cosmos with the macro cosmos.

Looked at it this way, everything is Mandala.

Let us begin by looking at our body. If we regard our body with the above definition in mind, naturally, it too is a Mandala. It requires an incredible number of properly functioning components, the organs, the bones, the blood, the nervous system, formed by cells, formed by atoms (all of which are specific Mandalas on their own) to properly function as a whole unit. In order for the body to continue to function well, all the individual components must be maintained in a basic state of harmony that supports the continued flow of mutual support and teamwork. If only one component becomes dysfunctional, the flow of mutual support between the components is disturbed, and the disturbance will be registered in degrees of discomfort, from the very subtle to the most traumatic and ultimately to standstill, as in physical death. Therefore, we can all agree when we say that all the components, though vastly different in appearance and function, clearly need each other. The blood needs the heart to be happy so that it can enjoy what it loves to do, which is move and bring oxygen. The heart needs the kidneys to be happy to welcome clean blood, and so on. Everything is interacting in ways that are simply awe-inspiring when we actually begin to comprehend the profound depth of the interconnectivity.

So, the body is a Mandala, comprised of many other Mandalas, some truly microscopic, but nevertheless of powerful and pivotal importance upon which the body’s overall well-being undeniably and irrevocably depends.

But the body of course comes associated with a few other features, such as a mind. And, as we all know minds come in all kinds of modalities. We can look at a person’s mind and soon we discover an array of abilities, talents and gifts… cooks well, writes great poetry, a whiz at math, builds nice airplanes, etc. So the wholeness of a person’s mind is made up of the many sub-components of specific abilities and again we have a Mandala – the Mandala made up of the innumerable facets of the human mind.

Now we add to this a person’s emotional realities. We find the presence of sensitivity, or lack thereof, capacity for being kind and supportive, or egocentric and self-absorbed. And those and many other components create the Mandala of our Emotional Body. Which interblends and interacts with the Mandalas of body and mind.

As we as human beings move through life we exist in communication and relationship with others. We get up in the morning and we go to work and as we do, we leave the Mandala of our home and family and enter the Mandala of the group of people we work with. Each of the persons we work with can be identified in certain ways. A very basic socio-gram would show us a simple distinction: the other person likes or dislikes us. We like or dislike the other person. Support or opposition arises from there. And of course, things do not remain that simplistic, we now also include the physical, mental and emotional realities of the members of your professional environment and we see the forming of your professional Mandala that is immensely complex. However, readily visible may only be the tip of the iceberg that is your professional environment.

The harmony and success of a professional Mandala depends upon the presence of all the proper components and their willing support of each other by giving what they are capable of giving.

Within the context of Asian art, there are many Mandalas, which depict in many different ways the relationship between the micro cosmos and the macro cosmos. We can find here specific Universal Aspects within the greater Universe. We can find depicted also the images of Buddhas, Awakened Ones, surrounded by other Buddhas and Yogis. When we find Mandalas of Buddhas, it is significant to understand exactly what a specific Buddha represents, as different Buddhas do indeed represent different Universal Aspects. It is safe to say that no single Buddha contains within him or herself the totality of all Universal Aspects, therefore we can find Mandalas of certain Buddhas, surrounded by many other Buddhas, representing altogether different universal aspects. As these aspects work together, what we actually have is a team of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas uniting their emanations to create effects they could not bring about without their joining of effort. They function as a group.

More than ever do we live in a time where there is a need to pool creative and spiritual intentions because, as Gurdjieff used to say, no man can do anything alone. And no woman either, I might add.

Faith moves mountains, but with a little help from your friends… they move a lot faster.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

On Cleverness

In the domain of worldly success and reaching the top, a high degree of cleverness is an absolute must. In the domain of spritual success and matters of the heart, it is bound to function as a saboteur and may create regret. So use your heart to keep cleverness from doing too much damage.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Retraite à Paris (29, 30,31 Mai et 1 Juin)

Le mantra yoga et l'alchimie du cœur
L’Ecole des Mystères - Paris
Avec Raylene et Andreas

Le mantra yoga est un ancien système utilisé pour calmer le mental, créer un lien avec l'âme ainsi que des conditions de vie permettant plus de bonheur. Nous sommes arrivés à une époque de notre histoire où la spiritualité et la compréhension psychologique doivent être intégrées. Dans ce stage, nous présenterons également un nouveau processus de guérison des blessures émotionnelles qui entravent notre évolution et notre connexion à notre Ame. Nous apprendrons à naviguer dans les profondeurs du centre du cœur pour libérer des souffrances et chagrins anciens et éclairer notre perception du monde d'une nouvelle perspective.

Stages (250€ ou 100€/jour) Dates :

24, 25 et 26 avril 2009
29, 30, 31 mai et 1er juin 2009 (350€)
3, 4 et 5 juillet 2009
(19h30 les vendredis, 10h à 18h les samedis et dimanches)

Ateliers (à 19h30, 20€)
23 et 29 avril, 28 mai, 3 juin, 2 juillet 2009

Lieu : Terre d’Harmonie, 39, avenue de St Mandé, 75012 PARIS (Mo Picpus)

Renseignements/inscription : 06 50 58 00 65
Merci de vous inscrire au plus tôt pour faciliter l’organisation

Séances individuelles et de lecture d’âme sur RDV

Renseignements/inscriptions : 06 50 58 00 65

Raylene a été formée aux techniques mystiques d’Asie de l’Est et d’Occident depuis 30 ans. Elle a animé des cercles de guérison de femmes pendant plus de 15 ans. Elle a vécu sa première expérience de Samâdhi (Eveil provisoire en sanskrit) à l’âge de 23 ans.
Elle est l’auteur de 2 livres, dont le plus récent, « L’Emergence de la Femme Divine » (Ed. Véga, juillet 2006), propose une nouvelle vision de la femme et du Couple sacré.

Andreas maîtrise de nombreuses techniques de méditation. Il a vécu en retraite méditative en Inde pendant 5 ans. Il a vécu sa première expérience de Samâdhi (Eveil provisoire en sanskrit) à l’âge de 21 ans. C’est à cette époque qu’il a été initié aux techniques de guérison spirituelles. Il compte 35 années de pratique spirituelle. Il a enseigné au Japon, en Allemagne, aux USA, en France et en Belgique avec Raylene.
Séances de guérison par les mains
avec Raylene & Andreas

Par le pouvoir de l'invocation et du toucher,Andreas et Raylene peuvent accélérer votre évolution spirituelle de manière spectaculaire.
Conseils d'Ame avec Raylene

Raylene est une clairvoyante de talent.
Grâce à sa vision intérieure, elle a la capacité de vous donner votre Plan d'âme.
Elle vous donnera également des techniques puissantes pour effacer les obstacles dans votre vie.

Raylene's Book On Amazon

Between the Visions
Review from Mt. Shasta Magazine
Vol. 5 Issue 1
By Michou Landon

Mount Shasta's own Raylene Abbott has birthed a
sweet and intimate memoir of one woman's ever-
deepening journey of healing, integration, Union
with the Beloved - human and Divine. Gently and
simply written, playful and passionate, it is at times
a poignant, powerful read.

Explanatory passages, which may seem very basic
to some, ensure that the "less spiritually traveled"
readers are included and even educated. Even so,
some of the content may command a considerable
spiritual maturity or at least openness.

Biographical narrative ties together the author's
visions, which have served to illuminate her regular,
3-D, human experiences. Often these visions contain
symbolism of buried cultures, reviving the timeless
truth and tangible relevance of images made cryptic
by time and tyranny.

Union is the cohesive theme, whether as Union of
Heaven and Human, Etheric and Earthly, Feminine
and Masculine, or the universality among all
spiritual traditions and practitioners. The gift of
Abbott's personal accounts is to illustrate this unity
more experientially than theoretically.

This is, however, as the author concedes at the
outset, an account of experiences whose true essence
and impact are beyond the realm of words. This is
why the level of each reader's spiritual openness,
humility and maturity can greatly influence how s/he
receives the content and message; that is, how much
s/he finds resonance and inspiration in the
experiences and how much s/he feels an awkward spectator.

Tantric exploration features importantly in the
book; the candid sexual passages could challenge
some, which might not be a bad thing. True Tantra
holds promise for the salvation of many.

This little book holds potential value for everyone,
whether to answer questions, plant seeds, or truly
inspire fellow travelers on the numinous journey home.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Weekend de Pentecote (29, 30, 31 Mai et 1 Juin)

Le prochain stage à Paris durera 3 jours et demi Durant le weekend de Pentecote fin mai à Terre d’Harmonie.

Ce stage et particulièrement important pour moi : de par le plus grand nombre de jours, il nous donne l’opportunité de créer un CHAMP D’ ÉNERGIE nous permettant de rentrer plus profondément que jamais dans la meditation. Nous vous présenterons également des techniques qui vous plairont.

Si vous etes engage(e) envers le Grand Oeuvre, je serai heureux de vous voir à l’occasion de ce weekend special de l’Ascension à Paris. Merci de prévenir Olivier à l’avance de votre participation.

The Power of the Word:

Let us use it daily to create Heaven on Earth.

Are you joining me?

Friday, May 08, 2009

What Is Osho Doing These Days?

For those of you who don’t know me, let me introduce
myself. In the early 70s I was struck by the lightning of
soul inquiry that set free within myself an all-consuming
longing to enter upon the journey that I hoped would lead me
close to the Face of God, or at least into close proximity.
I entered the stream of the ancient yogis and mystics.

I started a life of intense discipline and deep practices
of meditation, which soon became the center of my life. In
1975 I went to the Himalayas to practice even more and deeper. In 1976 I had a dream that catapulted me straight into the school of Osho, then called Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. There, (Poona, India) I lived for 5 years until 1981.

During that time I meditated an average of 5 hours daily
and entered innumerable intensives and retreats, where
working on oneself took place full-time, 10-12 hours a

The result of this contact with a man whom I recognized as
a living Buddha was a long string of explosions of
consciousness, of Samadhi experiences, that changed me
forever. There were many Darshans with Bhagwan that expanded my consciousness in ways hard to put into words. Darshan is
a Sanskrit work that means, “being in the presence of the

However, this term has various implications that need to be
understood. The word has outer, inner and secret meaning.
For example, one can be in the outer, physical presence of
the Divine (such as being with a living Buddha) and feel
nothing, because of lack of sensitivity. We feel nothing and
therefore miss completely one of the most amazing gifts the
Universe could present us.

But if we are in the outer presence of a living Buddha AND
also feel the Divine Presence due to our sensitivity, then
we feel the Divine within us. Now we have INNER DARSHAN. A
transmission is taking place. That’s what matters – the

Once a relationship with a living Buddha has been
established, these transmissions can continue and they can
do so beyond death.

A real Darshan is inner and secret and therefore can take
place in utterly unusual circumstances. Real Darshan is the
transmission of Samadhi through the grace of a master,
someone whose consciousness is as far away from you as a
satellite from earth, but who can beam a massive
divine laser ray into you to explode your consciousness.
Bhagwan has done exactly that in my life innumerable times.

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Osho) died in 1990 and here is the
fantastic news: He continues to beam his awareness-bestowing
rays of light into those who have opened themselves and
created receptivity by virtue of continuing to work upon
themselves. He has not left the planet, merely his body.

In one of the transmissions I have experienced with him in
recent times I saw him stand before me. He sent tremendous
beams of light into me that caused huge explosions of light
and consciousness within my being. Indescribable. However,
he was not alone. I saw two or three other beings next to
him, assisting him in the process of transmission.

Long after his body is dead and gone --- he continues to
shower, bless and be available to those who long to awaken.

It is as he said one day during a lecture: “No Buddha
Ever Dies.” And that’s the great news for today.

Menton, France

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Encouragement and appreciation

Today use the amazing power of the word and bring encouragement and appreciation to somebody.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Apartment in Paris.

We are looking for an apartment in Paris for July and August, possibly longer. Let us know if you are aware of one available.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Bodhisattva in the Metro

This is truly FUNNY and PROFOUND.
Please watch it.


Workshop in Brussels

After Paris, now in Brussels for another workshop. Over the years the workshops undergo their own evolution, new elements are added, seemingly self-arising and spontaneous, naturally responding to the needs of the participants.

More techniques are happening that address the underlying amazing presence of pain in suffering, hidden beneath the surface of all of us.

We are adding two more techniques now that are turning out to be a huge success and instantly popular with people.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Explosions of Consciousness

The intervals between the explosions of consciousness are growing shorter. The speed of outer changes seems to be increasing and artificial outer and inner structures seem to evaporate in the wake of that.

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