A Journey In Consciousness

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

It's existential, Watson...

The experience of awakening is entirely an existential phenomenon.

Just as breathing, or laughing or swimming in the ocean is entirely existential, so is awakening entirely non religious, non-spiritual, non-anything. But since these experiences usually took place in a certain cultural or religious context, they were presented often with that flavor.

Therefore, the impression that is created is that awakening presents itself like Shakyamuni Buddha or Padmasambhava or Jesus Christ. Blueprints of outer expression, behaviour and preference are created by which the presence of awakening ... is indicated.

The fact is that all those blueprints, of how awakening presents itself on the outside, are entirely artificial and meaningless. Awakening can come in any type of expression: poor, wealthy, vegetarian, meat-eating, no sex or lots of sex. Not even non-violence is a necessary attribute, as awakening can come in the disguise of a warrior also. Surely, saying this might hurt a toe or two.

Summary - you cannot deduce awakening by anything outer. If you are stuck on a certain expression and therefore believe it cannot come otherwise, you will simply miss the Buddha as she walks by you in the shopping mall. For expressions of awakening, the sky is the limit.

It is easy "recognize" a "master" if you are in a hall with 3,000 people, all of whom think "The Holy One." But you will not recognize this consciousness if you meet it in Sears or Saks.

In Paris

Well, the Mystery School France is currently in Paris and we just finished a wonderful workshop over the weekend. During the week there are individual sessions almost every day and in a few days we are going to Brussels.

Message for the day: Be kind if you can.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Solange and Raylene

Mystery School France coming to Paris

We are currently in Lyon with our friend Solange and her partner, on the way to Paris to start introducing the new workshops of the Mystery School France.
L’émergence de l’Ecole des Mystères
Stage intensif
Samedi et Dimanche 26/27 janvier 2008 (10h-18h)

Avec Raylene Abbott et Andreas Mamet

Par la pratique des mantras et des invocations, Raylene Abbott et Andreas Mamet ont crée un travail unique qui trouve ses racines dans des traditions anciennes et a été adapté à la vie contemporaine.

Ce stage constitue une opportunité d’aller plus en profondeur dans les pratiques et enseignements qui peuvent vous ouvrir les portes de la Conscience et changer radicalement votre vie de manière positive.

NOTE : Chaque atelier et stage est unique, car nous répondons aux besoins spécifiques de chaque participant. A chaque fois, nous entrons dans des états de conscience plus profonds et atteignons ensemble des paliers initiatiques plus élevés.

Lieu : Association Ste Agnès, 23 rue Oudinot, 75007 PARIS
(Mo St François Xavier)
Renseignements / Inscription : 06 50 58 00 65

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Sunset in Menton

Walking along the beach and the marina here at the time of sunset is such a lovely experience.

The feeling that is in the air is indescribably heart-warming. Thousands of swallows fly above in huge swarms as they gather to finally rest for the night in the trees along the beach.

Menton is beautiful and it is easy to see why it is called the Pearl of the Riviera.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Chronicles of Samadhi: Call of the Ocean

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Follow your creative passions. Remove yourself from persons who doubt or sabotage your dreams and aspirations. To a wholesome degree support others' dreams. Send encouragement into the Universe and the Universe will send encouragement into your life.

Cultivate wisdom and the association with those who are wise. Wisdom will tell you when to express love and kindness, when to say YES or NO. Wisdom will protect you where love and power cannot.

Monday, January 14, 2008

The information revolution

The information revolution continues with posting through smart phones, which makes life easier and communication even faster. I am pleased to announce that posting now will be more frequent again since the above smart phone is now in the service of the Dharma also.

with Yahoo! Mobile.

Mystery School France

The Mystery School France has opened its gates. The goals of the School are to contribute Soul Technology to bring to individual students

* Upliftment in the way of the quality of living

* Ways for erasing obstacles in one's life


I have chosen this particular sequence of explaining the goals of the school because often it is necessary to bring assistance to the particular circumstances in the life of students simply because there is suffering due to lack or obstacles. This suffering must be adressed, it is an existential imperative. However, the central goal is to initiate a process of Awakening In Consciousness

The School is meeting now for weekly classes and weekend workshops near Menton, in Mouans Sartoux. For the detailed schedule, please see http://lamoursacre.tripod.com

The participation is currently growing quickly, to my pleasant surprise. While everybody is welcome, we realize that not everybody is suited for this work. The longing for awakening is a special feature that not every soul displays.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Be kind...

If you only choose to remember kindness, you can shift into it in one second.

The gates of heaven start right here.

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