A Journey In Consciousness

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Talk by Raylene

A great talk given by Raylene during the last workshop here in Paris on compassion, the nagas and the current situation in the Gulf of Mexico. She is rather inspired here, worth your time to download and listen.....


Friday, June 18, 2010



Sacred Pilgrimage is both an inner and outer journey. It is designed to open us up to awakening and seeing life from a sacred point of view. A pilgrim may begin the journey because he or she is in need of a healing (such as a pilgrimage to Lourdes). However, what makes a journey sacred is the focus and intensity of a pilgrim’s prayer, meditation and purpose.

Many people have come to France over the last few years looking for the lost secrets of Mary Magdalene, and exploring the possibility that her child may have started the Merovingian royal bloodline. At this point there is no written document that can prove such a claim and also the Merovingian kings were killed a long time ago. But the builders of the cathedrals, the Knights Templar, left clues and secrets in their Sacred Architecture.

The gnostics of the South of France, the Cathars, left their mark in the form of both castles and fortresses. But their fortresses did not protect them from the Albigensian Crusade. This crusade was started by the Catholic Church of Rome to wipe out the gnostic religion. The Cathars believed that direct experience with the Divine was far more important than the written word. What do the Merovingian Kings, the Knights Templar and Cathars all have in common? They all acknowledge the need for the Divine Feminine.

France is filled with secrets. But many tourists come, visit and return home, without ever penetrating the depth of the Secrets of France. But beyond the esoteric secrets, the Sacred Sites of France still hold ancient power to answer prayers and bring healing to any sincere pilgrim.

The proper approach to a sacred site is the key that can decode the secrets and the truth that is hidden from the masses. I would like to make a few suggestions. Following them I have found deepens my experience when visiting sacred places.

Every Sacred Site has its own history and vibration. If you can understand the power of a particular site, then you can begin to understand how to align yourself with the site you are visiting. This book will be a guide to understanding both the vibration and also the Ley-Lines of the lands. It is very important to understand the power of the land that creates a Sacred Site.

You could also become aware of your inner process before you visit a site. I have found many times that when a particular issue within needs healing, it will arise the day or night before I visit the site. Because of this I usually pray or meditate the evening before. This prepares me for initiation.

I am very watchful for outer symbols along the way when I approach a site. When you arrive at your destination, take your time to really meditate and pray. Many times I have seen tourists come and go into the cathedrals without ever really sitting down and feeling and seeing what is really before them. It is through silent meditation and prayer that the Sacred will be revealed to you. It is more important to visit one place and have a deep experience of healing than visit a dozen places quickly and only walk away with a few photographs and no understanding of where you have been.

So I now would like to invite you to enter with me into the Mystical Journey of the Sacred Sites of this great nation we call France.

Author Biography

Raylene Abbott’s spiritual training has spanned over the last 30 years and she received initiations by both Western and Eastern traditional teachers. She has formed the essence of this training into teachings relevant for our contemporary world. These teachings recognize the need for balancing the masculine and feminine at this point in history. This integration needs to take place in the way we live on this Earth.

She is an international author. Her book "Between the Visions" is available on amazon.com and has been published in France as "L’Emergence de la Femme Divine" (The Emergence of the Divine Woman). Also published in Italy & Japan.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

How to call the Taras

Tara Invocations

For quite a while we have been invoking Tara, a female Buddha, in her many aspects. Tara comes in 21 different aspects that can be invoked in accordance to your specific life needs. The responses come in fast and strong. It is such a Grace.

The following are the 22 names of Tara (Green Tara, The Mother of The Buddhas and 21 aspects.) I am presenting the invocational formula as used in our house.

1 Najama --- destroys poisons

I call forth the power and the presence of Najama. I give you my body, heart and soul. Pledging completely to the destruction of all suffering, I request all poisons and negativities of any kind to be removed from my body, heart and soul.

2 Mipangyalma --- invincibility

I call forth the power and the presence of Mipangyalma. I give you my body, heart and soul. Pledging completely to the protection and the furthering of the Three Gems, bring invincibility to all of our plans and aspirations.

3 Odzerchenma --- Rays of Light

I call forth the power and the presence of Odzerchenma. I give you my body, heart and soul. Pledging completely to the dissemination of compassionate acts of kindness, I request you illuminate every atom of our bodies, hearts and souls and of our loved ones.

4 Rabshima ---- Deep Peace

I call forth the Power and the Presence of Rabshima. I give you my body, heart and soul. Let the Deep Peace of all Awakened Beings fill me completely, so that I may shower it upon everyone who comes before me.

5 Yangchenma ---- Divine Creativity

I call forth the Power and the Presence of Yangchenma. I give you my body, heart and soul. Bless and empower me with Divine Creativity at all times.

6 Sengdeng-nakidolma --- Saviouress of the scented forest

I call forth the power and the presence of Sengdeng-nakidolma. I give you my body heart and soul. Bring health to all forests that require healing.

7 Dapung-jomzema --- Destroyer of opposing forces.

I call forth the power and the presence of Dapung-jomzema. I give you my body, heart and soul. I pledge completely to bringing compassion, beauty, joy and abundance to all those who come before me and to myself also. I request that all influences that oppose my plans and aspirations --- be nullified.

8 Jigten-sumlegyalma ---Conqueror of the three worldly realms

I call forth the power and the presence of Jigten-sumlegyalma. I give you my body, heart and soul. Shower me with your graces, that I may be a blessing to all who come before me.

9 Nyarna-pamo --- Swift Heroine

I call forth the power and the presence of Nyurna-pamo. I give you my body, heart and soul. Let all my prayers be answered rapidly.

10 Ritoma --- Moutain-dwelling mendicant

I call forth the power and the presence of Ritoma. I give you my body, heart and soul. Bless and empower me completely with your attributes.

11 Namgyalma --- Victory

I call forth the power and the Presence of Namgyalma. I give you my body, heart and soul. Pledging completely to the process that brings healing and cessation of suffering to all sentient beings and to myself, I request that all my plans and aspirations be granted total success.

13 Nanchog-terma --- Giver of Supreme Virtue. Embodiment of the six transcendental perfections

I call forth the power and the presence of Nanchog-terma. I give you my body, heart and soul. Let all my decisions, plans and aspirations take place on the grounds of Divine Virtue.

14 Tashi-donjema --- Auspiciousness

I call forth the power and the presence of Tashi-donjema. I give you my body, heart and soul. Let every moment of our lives be filled with Divine Auspiciousness.

15 Jigjema --- Terrifier; subdues evil spirits, cures illness caused by evil spirits

I call forth the power and the presence of Jigjema. I give you my body, heart and soul. Pledging completely to the protection and the furthering of the Three Gems, I request all negative emanations be removed from our lives. Destroy them completely that we may be most impactful vehicles for the Buddhas.

16 Rigjema --- Giver of Intelligence

I call forth the power and the presence of Rigjema. I give you my body, heart and soul. Grace me that all my decisions take place on the grounds of Divine Intelligence and Wisdom Discernment.

17 Shenlenam-pargyalma --- Conqueror of others

I call forth the power and the presence of Shenlenam-pargyalma. Pledging completely to the protection and the furthering of the process that alleviates suffering for all sentient beings, I request that all those who oppose my aspirations be completely nullified in their influences.

18 Barwod-chenma --- Blazing Light

I call forth the power and the Presence of Barwod-chenma. I give you my body, heart and soul. Fill us completely with your Blazing Light.

19 Norterma --- Provider of Wealth

I call forth the power and the presence of Norterma. I give you my body, heart and soul. Empower us completely with immense monetary force so that we may use it in the context of compassion and healing.

20 Jetsun-dolma --- Incomparable Savior, Mother of the Buddhas

I call forth the power and the presence of Jetsun-dolma. I give you my body, heart and soul. Empower us completely so that we may feed your children on all planes.

21 Shengyi-mitobma --- Invincible

I call forth the power and the presence of Shengyi-mitobma. I give you my body, heart and soul. Pledging completely to the process that brings alleviation of suffering to all sentient beings, I request our lives, plans and aspirations be filled with invincibility.

22 Tonyerchen --- Wrathful

I call forth the power and the presence of Tonyerchen. I give you our bodies, hearts and souls. Surround us with your Wrathful Protection at all times.

What is of utmost importance is that the invocations begin with the offfering of your body, heart and soul to the Divine so that we become complete Embodiments of Divine Presence. The requests which then follow may differ from person to person and are of course interchangeable.

Practice what is written above without ceasing and watch your life soar into Most Magnificent Realms of Existence.

(Pronunciation: Tibetans have a special prayer that asks for forgiveness concerning mistakes of pronunciation or translation. So do your best and be happy.)

Friday, June 11, 2010



Dear Friends,

SUTRAS FOR CONTEMPORARY TIMES is now available on amazon.com as an ebook. Please go to http://www.amzn.com/B003NE6DDI

Sutra is a term used in ancient times in Asia. It has multiple meanings. Literally it means thread. But it also means collection of aphorisms or teachings and was often used to present spiritual insights. The writings in this book are the result of my passion for the world of meditation and almost 40 years of spiritual practices.

Of course, one might ask, how could one be passionate about meditation? Good question. It compares to asking how could one be passionate about digging holes in the ground? Well, it is about finding diamonds and gold and other gems that are of great preciousness. I turned my attention to the inside of my being and as a result of that, great treasure was revealed to me. Therefore, I love to turn inward because there is always something new and of great value to be discovered.

And why 'for contemporary times'? We need a new spirituality that unites intelligence, common sense, compassion and kindness into a vehicle that really takes us to frontiers that are not just new, but also enjoyable and satisfying to reach. We need a spirituality for contemporary times.

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