A Journey In Consciousness

Saturday, February 28, 2009

We are connected

The piece below I posted on January 27, 2007. I feel it is a good moment to repeat it today and as a way of backing up my perceptions of currents to come, I want to link it with yesterday's article on Arsonists Torch Berlin Porsches, BMWs on Economic Woe (Update1) on Bloomberg.com. This article underscores what I am attempting to say.

Q: How do you view the conflicts as they play out on our global stage? What do you consider the root of those conflicts?

A: The conflicts that we see are actually not so much ideological in nature, even though they appear to be. Rather, what we see is the confrontation between wealthy/greedy individuals and poor/envious individuals. I am using the term "individual" very deliberately. It drives home the need for the individual to act with responsibilty. To trigger the ability to respond. If I refer to nations or other groups, nobody feels addressed. So, I am addressing YOU.

Never before have we seen on this planet such a large number of wealthy individuals whose total worth is now reaching into TRILLIONS OF $$$. And yet, there is the disease of wanting still more. If one allows the feeling of wanting still more, this will engender a feeling of not having enough (I have seen millionaires with deep fears that tomorrow will find them lacking). Consequently one will feel that one cannot share and give. Therefore, greedy/wealthy individuals can become guilty of the crime of ommission. They believe that the problems of starvation, illness and poverty of billions of people --- are unrelated to them. They believe that those problems take place in dimensions that will never be able to reach and affect their lifestyle bubbles. How erroneous this is... Please click here to see how poverty is beginning to respond.

Besides constituting a cold-hearted lack of compassion, this attitude simultaneously represents a very grave error of thinking. Grave indeed. The French royalties lived for a long time in utter disregard of the poverty and suffering of their people. In fact, they taxed them into abject starvation to afford themselves a lifestyle of astounding luxury and decadence.They believed they existed in a world that could not be touched by that type of utter misery. When the people finally exploded in flaming rage, despair and hunger, their revenge was swift and merciless.

Living in France, I was very surprised to note that many food items were very cheap compared to U.S. foods! Bread, cheeses, meats and other basics I discovered to cost only a fraction of what they cost in the U.S. Apparently the French Revolution caused a longlasting impact and memory on all the governments that followed. They never forgot.

Even if wealthy individuals don't know how to find the compassion to help others, they should consider what Caesars have understood a long time ago. To protect their position and continued lifestyle, it was imperative to give the people bread and games. Consider feeding people to be a selfish act: Down the road they will not come and burn down your house in rage.

This rage is now growing and unleashing unparalleled forms of violence that will make the French Revolution look like child's play. What we are looking at is the beginning of a Global Revolution. The have-nots are rising up and are uniting, across barriers of culture, language and religion to form a very dangerous and capable alliance against those who have more than enough.

It would be wise for wealthy individuals to join and bypass political leaders. They should create a roundtable and address the grievances of those who have not enough and ask: "How can we help?"

This might cost some money, work and time. But in the end it would protect the remaining abundance. If every wealthy individual would only contribute 10% of their wealth to fighting global starvation and suffering, this would implement massive, positive and world-wide changes.

And mankind would be a giant step closer to heaven on earth.

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Oneness Thing - Different Angle

Our friend and yoga teacher Susan Hopkinson from Brussels (http://www.inspirationyoga.eu/) sent the story below that I really love. Enjoy.

A mouse looked through the crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife open a package.

What food might this contain?' the mouse wondered - - -
he was devastated to discover it was a mousetrap.

Retreating to the farmyard, the mouse proclaimed the warning:

There is a mousetrap in the house!
There is a mousetrap in the house!'

The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said, 'Mr.Mouse, I can tell this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me. I cannot be bothered by it.' The mouse turned to the pig and told him,

'There is a mousetrap in the house!
There is a mousetrap in the house!'

The pig sympathized, but said, 'I am so very sorry, Mr.Mouse, but there is nothing I can do about it but pray. Be assured you are in my prayers.'

The mouse turned to the cow and said,

'There is a mousetrap in the house!
There is a mousetrap in the house!'

The cow said, 'Wow, Mr. Mouse. I'm sorry for you, but it's no skin off my nose.'

So, the mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected, to face the farmer's mousetrap... alone.

That very night a sound was heard throughoutthe house -- like the sound of a mousetrap catching its prey.

The farmer's wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see it was a venomous snake whose tail the trap had caught. The snake bit the farmer's wife.

The farmer rushed her to the hospital, and she returned home with a fever.

Everyone knows you treat a fever with fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard for the soup's main ingredient.

But his wife's sickness continued, so friends and neighbors came to sit with her around the clock. To feed them, the farmer butchered the pig.

The farmer's wife did not get well; she died.

So many people came for her funeral, the farmer had the cow slaughtered to provide enough meat for all of them.

The mouse looked upon it all from his crack in the wall with great sadness.

So, the next time you hear someone is facing a problem and think it doesn't concern you, remember ---- when one of us is threatened, we are all at risk. We are all involved in this journey called life. We must keep an eye out for one another and make an extra effort to encourage one another.


REMEMBER.. . . . . .


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

To Shift Lives

Teachings and teachers that are of genuine substance are recognized by two criteria that are important to keep in mind:

First, they are capable of connecting you with the experience of The Universal Presence.

Second, they are capable of intervening in your life in such a way as to actually bring relief and easing into difficult and painful circumstances. In other words, they are powerful enough to substantially diminish suffering.

This ability to affect and neutralize the suffering of another human being is the signature of what in Buddhism would be termed a Bodhisattva and generally is reached only after considerable longterm spiritual effort that may span lifetimes.

If there is in our life the presence of suffering, this can be compared to a block that has an energetic volume. And the only way to dissolve this block is by introducing a force greater than the energy of the block that causes our suffering. It really is a simple equation.

Imagine you have a two-ton rock in your driveway. You can walk up to it and push it, knock or kick it. It will not move. That rock represents an energy not matched by whatever your body could do.

You will have to become more creative. You could invite 200 of your neighbors, put a rope around the rock and get everybody to pull. You will now move the rock, as the collective energy of the group now supersedes that of the obstacle.

Or if you enjoy more spectacular ways of obstacle removal, you can light a stick of dynamite and place it beneath the rock. This too will create an energy greater than the rock. It will give.

Karmic obstacles that cause us suffering, on whatever level, are just like that. They can be dissolved if one has learnt to generate energy greater than the obstacle.

Adepts who are capable of this feat exist on a scale of levels, due to the degree of their own mastery.

While this removing of karmic obstacles can at times take place without affecting the adept too much, at other times it does. This is how we can explain that great teachers can die of cancer, have terrible car accidents or are involved in other dramatic events. What we have here is a transfer of negative karmic emanations onto the body of the teacher, mostly from people under his wings.

I have come to think that Christ willingly allowed pain and crucifixion in order to alleviate the collective karmic negativity of the planet. I think that his death made a collossal difference to mankind, most interestingly, mankind being in utter ignorance of the transfer.

Similarly, most beings who are subject to such transfers remain equally ignorant of what actually transpires, since the Bodhisattva generally does not say, "I did this for you."

What we have here is a silent offering of great love.

In India there exists a great story of karmic transfer. A man had a son he deeply loved. This son became gravely ill and was bound to die. The man became desperate and prayed to the god of death to spare his son. The god of death was very touched by the devotion of the man to his son. He said, "I wish I could help you, but I myself am bound by laws. The time has come for your son to pay his karmic bill. This bill must be paid! Unless... you wish to pay it for him."

The man was surprised. "You mean I can pay his debt?"

The god of death said, "Yes. It is possible. I have the power to transfer, but generally nobody asks me for such a thing. You want to pay for your son?"

The man did not hesitate for a moment and said, "Please. Take me instead."

And the god of death said, "As you wish."

Instantly the illness of the son transfered to the man. The son recovered and the man died shortly after from the illness.

Our painful life circumstances represent the bills we get for our past behavior that brought suffering to others and in most instances, somebody must pay those bills.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What is the nature of a behavioral program?

A behavioral program can be likened to a specifc vibrational frequency that operates in and through us. It is by nature rather vaporous, like air if you wish, you cannot really grasp it by ordinary means. Just like a computer runs through programs written by lines of code that are not visible on the desktop, so do we function along the lines of invisible codes. If we run into a program that malfunctions or that does not serve us well, the only way to change it is by shifting our attention to the invisible codes of the program that determines our behavior. That requires special training and focus that needs to be learnt.

These invisible behavioral codes that govern our life are created in multiple ways, some of them are genetic, others are by constant watching others' behavior, which then becomes our own by default, others again through quasi hypnotic and repetitive messages told us in our upbringing or by daily media bombardment.The ancient yogis knew about this and they called our behavioral trends SAMSKARAS. They went even further in the description of the samskaric sources by saying that they can be traced back all the way to past incarnations.

Either way, the only way we can begin to shift our behavioral programs is by first becoming CONSCIOUS of them. For example, by asking ourselves, what is my greatest self and purpose defeating characteristic? This is not easy, since we are now diving into modalities that are not necessarily easy to admit. But it is important to look at those modalities as mere programming codes, they are not really who WE ARE, but rather they cover and conceal who we are.

Again, we need to observe our behavior and identify those codes underlying and embedded in our psyche. Gurdjieff worked with this intensely. He stated that as we are, we are utterly asleep robots, functioning along the lines of programs the source of which we are not aware of. His work was greatly focused on the recognition of our limiting behavioral programs and bringing consciousness and consequently, freedom from the underlying codes.

Any genuine spiritual work will bring us this freedom and any genuine work on this level is most challenging.

Monday, February 23, 2009

The suffering in the Japanese Heart

After my 5 years of meditation retreat in India I began teaching in Japan in 1981 and stayed there for six months. The japanese culture being new to me, I did not understand many of the japanese ways and made many cultural mistakes. I tried my very best to learn and adjust to japanese culture.

One day again my friend corrected my gajin behavior when it occured to me to say to her the following, "I realize that I make many behavioral mistakes in my relating with japanese people. But do you realize that you are trying to teach me ways of behavior that japanese people are actually suffering from? They come to me to be liberated from the constraints of behavior you are trying to teach me."

This statement shocked my friend greatly. She stopped for a moment to contemplate what I had said and then said, "I think you may be right. It seems to be a dilemma."

Over the recent years we have been touring the world, we found that different cultures suffer from different types of heartache. The japanese heartache seems to be very much connected to ISOLATION.

During one of our tours in Japan we gave a workshop in Osaka. The room was filled with about 120 people. We decide to do something daring, for japanese standards.

We said: "Please turn to your neighbor and start to make eye contact. Maintain the eye contact." This turned out to be difficult for about 20 percent of the people that were there.
Then we continued "and now say to the other person I LOVE AND ACCEPT YOU JUST AS YOU ARE."

This would have been no big deal in California, but we were in Japan, and right here this was revolution, a communication mode unheard of. Again, about maybe one quarter of the group had difficulty with this and we said, "please continue to say this to each other, don't worry if you do not exactly feel this, just say it and let us see what happens....

After another 5 minutes of this, the quality in the room had dramatically shifted. We introduced Kokoro into the room - the Spirit of the Heart. Love was in the air.

That session was a huge success. An elderly woman came up to me afterwards and hugged and hugged us, she was ready to adopt us and take us home.

We broke through some cultural conditions that exist in Japan as a daily suffering there, the suffering of isolation and not being able to say what is on one's heart.

The Spiritual Journey

The spiritual journey is one of the battle between life and death. By death, in this context, I mean the daily, ongoing process of being mired in the illusions as they are produced by the dreaming soul, which projects the material as real and the non-material as non-existant. And by life I mean the awakening process of the soul as it takes living insight into itself and the true fabric of the Universe.

Even if a soul has made the decision to awaken, this battle between shadow and light remains an internal one and at times even a tremendously subtle one.

Therefore it must be said that the soul's decision for awakening in the deepest sense must be rather a daily process of decision, since oblivion and forgetfulness, getting lost in the apppearances of things --- is truly the great enemy of the soul's desire to fly into the sky of liberation and this forgetfulness approaches us daily.

There is within each of us the shadow part that does not want awaken but rather wants to indulge in the play of appearances as a way of establishing externalized expressions that signal value to itself and others, thereby supporting the illusion of separation.

For the soul to step back and correctly perceive and witness the shadow's mechanisms is truly most difficult, to remain victim of the shadow's immense subtleties is a high probability.

It is in view of that great difficulty that Buddhists activate the 3 Gachchamis, wherein they take refuge (ask for help) in the Buddhas, the Sangha and the Dharma. Tibetans in fact have 5, asking for help additionally from the Lama and a protective deity.

To counter the daily subtle influences of our shadow, it is advisable to take refuge and ask for protection and help from the Forces of Light daily.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Human and Divine

No matter how human we are, we are divine.

No matter how Divine we are, we are human.

The oneness thing

The naked reality of my journey is a fascinating combination of the utmost human, interblended with the sublimely divine. Traveling between those polarities in my daily life can be adventurous and also complicated.

When I mentioned before my experiences of deep meditation and with experiencing oneness, I was not poetic. It was factual and I realize the expression of my experiences may stretch the ability of imagination and acceptance.

The events of deep meditation, as they accumulate over time, can shift the daily life experience radically. At times I have gone deep inside, only to come into contact with other souls, and suddenly “know” something about their reality. To express those sudden and mysterious insights is not always a smooth thing, especially in the West. In Japan it might be easier for me to say to somebody, "I saw you in meditation and I saw an obstacle coming your way. Practice such and such Mantra, it will protect you." And I will be heeded quicker."

In the West, it is different. I have to circumnavigate resistance modalities and say, “Oh, it would be nice if you would do such and such practice, it would be good for you…” I have to learn the dance steps that allow me to convey my perceptions in a gentler way. In a flash I have shifted from the human modality to the soul modality. I myself continue to be surprised about the closeness of those modalities and their capacity to for swift change.

I recall one day when a man I was acquainted with walked by and I blurted out, “but why are you angry?” Upon which he exploded and shouted “how dare you know I am angry?”

This taught me a bit. To take insight into another person’s reality without being invited is potentially offensive.

So, in the middle of my human experience to have soul insight, is truly only acceptable in the context of love and the agreement of soul communication.

This deep meditation oneness thing … creates transparency. It makes us all naked and vulnerable. What I am learning here is to train myself to express the view of deeper realities in a way that is gentle and loving, rather than just presenting the fact of seeing things, which by itself can be cool and uncomfortable. And we all know what a challenge that is for red-headed Capricorns!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Birthday, Raylene!!!!

Generosity Award of the Moment

My Generosity Award of the Moment goes to Leonard Abess who just gave away 60 million dollars of his money to his employees. Story at http://www.miamiherald.com/news/miami-dade/story/904842.html
Stay tuned for more Generosity Awards on this site.

Heaven On Earth


Do something that makes a positive difference to someone. If we create enough people who decide to bring positive shifts, who will ACT, we can tip the balance and bring Heaven on Earth.

Do it today. And tomorrow. And the day thereafter.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Whatever today's obstacles seem to be, take a deep breath, expand and become vaster. Be patient as you commune with the Divine, it is the foundation of all beautiful flowering.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

On Enlightenment

Consciousness recognizing itself as infinite presence, permeating as one all expressions of duality - is enlightenment.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

On transforming sadness

Sadness is our response to the world not functioning the way we want it. We experience those emotions when we feel not supported or opposed. My very deepest response to this is: Let us attempt to BECOME ourselves what we want to be given. Let us BE what we want others to be for us.

If we can initiate this kind of behavioral revolution for ourselves, if we can take a deep breath and jump into this modality, we are on the way to becoming free from expectations of how others should act, but not only that. We truly are paving the way for this earth to become the heavenly place I firmly believe it was meant to be.

Join me in this effort.

On Being Psychic

Being psychic if often believed to mean that the individual is close to the Divine.

That is not so.

Being psychic, even if accurate, simply means the individual is equipped with an extra channel, a sixth sense, to see and act in ways that ordinary human beings cannot.

However, this does not necessarily mean that they are any way near to having access to the Nature of Reality. There are beings who are very psychic, but blind to Inner Realization. And surprisingly, there are people who are deeply realized, but they are not psychic. Only rarely does life produce beings that are both deeply realized and psychic, but on occasion it happens.

Life is so vast as to easily be able to accommodate such contradictions.

On Power

When truly powerful experiences of inner opening begin to happen to the individual, surprisingly they tend not to come in the way one might imagine what constitutes “power.” We think of power in the way of superman, being able to do anything and being unstoppable.

More often than not, hugely powerful inner openings come to me accompanied by a great sense of awe and feeling immensely vulnerable and feeling more like a small child than superman.

The power of spiritual realization exists more along the lines of the power and the beauty of a freshly blossoming rose flower. It takes a good while and much care to get there, but could be erased or disregarded in a second.

Midsummer Night in 78

We know next to nothing about the nature of the Universe, the nature of light and matter and once we do take insight into the underlying reality of All end Everything, our view radically alters and will be, most impractically, in acute conflict with the average views in our normal environments.

As I have mentioned before, I have spent a part of my education in India, during a 5-year period that was dedicated to meditation practice.

One evening, after getting up from the last meditation session of the day, my view of everything surrounding me suddenly began to shift.

Everything started to glow from within, everything seemed permeated by Great Radiance. There was nothing not permeated by that Astounding Luminosity. Not only that, as the Opening continued, I realized that everything that I saw, WAS nothing but a play of light, interblending, different frequencies of light. For the first time I saw that what we consider most solid matter, the trees, the road, moving people and cars --- was simply Light that had downshifted its frequency and as it had done so, it could assume the different expressions.

Every expression of solid matter I recognized to be merely a specific light frequency, which, if one could alter the frequency, one would be able to instantly alter the material expression --- it would cease to exist as that expression and shift into something else.

Matter, I realized, was light that had shifted down to a lower frequency and when light does this, it appears solidified. (Think of a fast moving fan. Only when it slows down does it acquire a form that we can recognize.)

Light was matter and matter was light. I saw this through the eye of meditation and again, my entire being was in awe, unable and unwilling to communicate what I had seen.

Regardless of the immense display of differences, everything was utterly and seamlessly connected, but the connection could only be seen through the eye of meditation….

Friday, February 06, 2009

Life and Death

During the process of deep meditation or prayer we are shown the mysteries of existence, of life and death. We are shown the living truth about this Universe and the truth of our relationship with it.

This process of revelation in my writings I have often described as shocking, because it contrasts so fiercely with what we are taught about life, proving those teachings to be highly erroneous once we discover the actuality, the true Nature of Life and the roles we assume therein.

We exist in a profound state of soul slumber until these revelations awaken our consciousness.

There is one dimension, however, that pretty much exactly reflects what happens in deep meditation and that is the dimension of Near Death Experiences.

In these events people have clinically died for several minutes, but then for some reason, came back to life and reported what they have experienced “on the other side”. I have researched some of these reports, and found a very striking similarity to what happens in deep meditation. The revelatory nature of both processes seems the same.

Therefore, I can say that the process of meditation represents a conscious and voluntary choice to take us straight into the mysteries of life and death and once we embrace this electrifying process, we have entered the awe-inspiring journey toward a freedom that is bound to bring us clear sight and that will bestow greatly expanded and liberating perspective for our lives.

In meditation and prayer we die every day. In that dying --- life is revealed for what it really is and in the luminous depth of that understanding, many choices evaporate.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

To our Friends in Japan


Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Conversations with God

By Andreas Mamet
© 2009

The following is a conversation with God that I had.
It went as follows: (I was in deep prayer at the time)

Andreas: “Yo, God!”

God: “Hey dude. Wassup?”

Andreas: “I understand you have chosen me to bring your message to the people. I am honored!”

God: “That’s cool, my man!”

Andreas: “There is only one problem.”

God: “What’s that, dude?”

Andreas: “You know, there has been a whole bunch of people who said they were speaking in your name over thousands of years, and in actuality only a very few people had your phone number. Many others made up stuff to gain power and control over people, simply because they enjoyed having control over others. It made them feel good.

Or they had a certain level of access and mixed a part of your words with their own subconscious stuff and narrow-minded belief systems. Then there were also those who were psychically sensitive. They got caught by beings in the astral domains that like to pose as St. Germain or Archangels or others… astral actors, so to speak.

In any case, I just want to tell you that I don’t want the job. If there is anything you want me to pass on, just send me an email. I will then present your words as merely my own opinions and reflections. That way I will stay clear of the ancient-old manipulation of the priests. They implied that, ‘I am close to God. God is infallible. Hence what I am telling you is infallible and you must do as I say.’
I don’t want to go that route. So tell me if my proposition is acceptable to you and if it is, we have a deal.”

God: “Dude, I see what you are saying. I think you have a point. Alright. We can do it this way. If some of my email gets past your spam protection, then it is okay with me if you alter my stuff and present it as your personal opinion and reflection. I like that. It leaves people entirely free, without the subtle manipulations. Let us do it this way.”

And this, my friends, is the story of how a potential prophet returned to the realm of ordinary human beings.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Between the Visions

This is the little book that can. It is now available in France under the title "L'Emergence de la femme divine" (Edition Vega), in Italy as "Divino Femminile" (Feltrinelli) and in Japan as "Spiritual Sex" (Wani Books).

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