We exist as beings who are hugely succeptible to words and images. The words and images that enter our minds... cause a response. What we focus on... gradually becomes our reality. This is true whether this takes place consciously or unconsciously. The values, thoughts and images that get the highest number of repetitions and reach into our psyche in the deepest way --- become our reality. Therefore, it becomes imperative that we consciously and carefully select the values, thoughts and images within our minds. This requires cultivation and the "burning" of tracks in our minds and hearts that contain the thoughts that represent what we want our life to be. This is no small task, since it requires the undoing of many unconscious programs that are not helpful for designing the life we wish to live.
Just watching the random chaos that is the daily process of our thinking ... proves this.
To replace this chaos in our minds .... with words and thoughts that are empowering and encouraging .... is part of the Great Work.
So, read the words below and register how they make you feel. If the feeling is good read 10 times. (You can create your own personal list and read it for ten minutes in the morning and evening.)
Joy Kindness Compassion Success Happiness Abundance Hope Fulfillment Satisfaction Wisdom Power Intelligence Love Clarity Gentleness Generosity Beauty Healing Perseverance Upliftment Encouragement Support Energy Vitality Health Longevity Purpose Sharing Philanthropy Understanding Insight Effortlessness Creativity Brilliance Genius Infinity Radiance Serenity