A Journey In Consciousness

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Cannes Do Very Much

There has not been much time lately. We already went to Cannes, had a wonderful workshop and individual sessions. The support down there is just wonderful, and so is the weather. Think beach and palm trees.

Another workshop is coming up this weekend. In November we are going to have a radio interview about Raylene's book and our work. 11 million listeners. I am in shock. Thanks to Josette who made this happen!!! Merci mille fois!

The challenge now is to find a breather in all this.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Just Landed

We barely landed in Paris only to immediately find many serendipituous events showering upon us like flowers from the sky. Besides the groups and individual sessions filling up well, I received also an email from Dr. Sandra Goodman from England who informed me that she wants to buy the British publishing rights for my Samadhi article for her magazine Positive Health http://www.positivehealth.com/, published monthly in the south of England.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Home is where the heart is

We have arrived in Paris. Home is where the heart is. And the heart is where one is received for who one is.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Leaving on a jet plane

We are leaving for Paris on Monday. All entries will happen from there again. Hope you enjoyed the entries and will hang out with me in the future.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Compassion In Action

Once our awareness is amplified and expanded to a point where we begin to feel a part of our own being in others, then the impulse to initiate action will arise when we see suffering in those who are before us. Action to alleviate that suffering.

From the glimpses that I have experienced I deduce that for a Buddha all living beings exist within his being. Thus, when a Buddha helps another being, from her point of view she merely helps herself.

If the above awareness has not happened to a seeker yet, nothing much has been achieved, regardless of what the seeker might think of his evolved state.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Money - The Final Frontier

Money is the final frontier for the mind. In order to reach that inner space wherein we generate compassion to a point where we are ready to give away money to alleviate suffering, a long distance has to be traveled. One might need to enter a spaceship to reach there as the common mind environment will not favor such action. Which is why such action does not happen very often and that is .... common. Not sharing money is the mode of the ordinary mind.

In the ancient days of Israel, tithing was an important part of the society, not just because it represented compassion in action, but also because it was believed that tithing supported the flow of money coming to the giver. So, to keep protecting one's interests, one gave away 10% of one's income to where money would meet a genuine human need.

Money is the most powerful outer force on the planet. It will build or destroy entire countries, create an oasis in a desert, change despair into hope, and restore dignity where there was none.

Hence the distribution of money needs to be included into the network of compassion in some fashion or other. Its power to alleviate suffering is immense. It is the ability to utilise money as a vehicle for compassion that is part of the Noble Mind.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Spectrum of Consciousness

It is part of the reality of our human existence that we are initially not very conscious of the words we speak and the actions we commit. Only through deliberate effort of establishing a dynamic of witnessing our behavior do we become aware of what it is that we are actually doing, and importantly - not doing.

We have six billion people on the planet right now and while we all pretty much look the same, two legs, two arms, two eyes and a nose, what exists behind that appearance in actuality represents a vast spectrum of evolution of consciousness that is spanning hundreds of thousands of years or more. On one end of the spectrum, behind the deceptively equalizing outer appearance we can find beings still extremely crude and very unevolved. At best, little should be expected. At worst, great caution may be advised. There is no light there.

On the other end of the spectrum, we have the possibility of evolution where a being is beginning to display great luminosity, wisdom and compassion in action. In that body we then observe the possibility for Angelic or Bodhisattvic qualities. There is light here and an opportunity for appreciation.

As we move through life, we should be aware that this vast spectrum of evolution may play itself out daily in many different ways. As we wake up in the morning, we never know who we will meet. Maybe we will meet a big light, maybe a big shadow and various expression in between.

Therefore, practicing discerning alertness should be our daily discipline, so that our actions are appropriate in relationship to who and what appears before us.

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