A Journey In Consciousness

Friday, July 07, 2006

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?

At times the question may arise Why do bad things happen to good people? Why do bad things happen to people that clearly have not committed anything wrong or are clearly innocent? Or to children who did not have enough time even live life?

Whatever happens to us in our life is entirely self-generated. However, this life is not the only one. We have lived many, many times before. And in those previous lives we have at times been not very nice.

Imagine, for example, the history of the Nazis. They killed 6 million Jews alone, and millions more in the remaining time of their reign. What do you think will happen to them, karmically, as a group? They will come back as a group in a situation that will hand them a very, very unpleasant life. Think Africa, severe poverty and violance, AIDS, etc.

One looks at that kind of suffering and cannot help but feel compassion. On the other hand, we do not think in terms of past life actions and the Universal Law that will simply hand back to us the consequences of our actions. There is no Punisher as such. There is simply the Law of Action and Reaction. It functions automatically. Just as you hold up an apple, and if you let go, it will fall down because it is subjected to the law of gravity.

In the same way, everything we do is subjected to the Law of Karma. Whatever we do, comes back to us.

However, this Law operates in a very large context of time and space. The bill may come years or lifetimes later and so the origin of the bill may be lost in time entirely. We do not see the connection anymore. If you go and strike a policeman, the bill will come to you in minutes. But if you go and harm another human being, you may get away for a time being. But the bill WILL come. Years later, or lifetimes later.

It is within this context that we have to understand why sometimes really good things happen to seemingly undeserving people and bad things to good people. Their actions in the past caused the reaction in the present.


At 2:50 PM, Blogger Billy Guilfoyle said...

So the question next arising is this: How can we consciously release karma as to help along our own development faster so that we can become one quicker thus benefitting the entire globe? To dedicate one's life to servatude, one surely is releasing Karma. Is the answer to simply create positive karma that cancels out negative karma?

And lastly, would the Aids situation in africa be akin to the unconscious epidemic here in America? Is there no better or worse when it comes to negative Karma? What about waves of enlightenment that help shift things in a societally evolutionary way, like equal rights movements inacted in peace and with love at the center. Does this light being shined in essence transform the outward negative karma and create more light?

Lots of questions are birthed from each answer.

At 4:16 PM, Blogger Andreas Mamet (Sw. Anand Karunesh) said...

Yes. Negative karma is erased by alleviating suffering. The better and more efficient you get (without sacrifing yourself!) the more you will erase your own negative karma.

There also exist some mantras that have the power to erase negative karma.

There is also the possibility of Divine Grace that can intervene and lift you out of a bad situation in a blink.

Additionally there is the good news that the more a soul emanates Divine Reality, the more such a soul will spontaneously neutralize the negativity on large numbers of people. There are sources that believe that the realization of a Gautama Buddha had the power of neutralize the negativity of millions of people.

If you switch on a 500 watt bulb, it will extinguish darkness in a big way. Think of it that way.

The image of the lightbulb is very good. The average bulb being maybe 25 watts, the awakened bulb being 100s of times that.


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