A Journey In Consciousness

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Da Vinci Code In Paris

Yesterday we saw the Da Vinci Code. The movie is fabulously well done and is guaranteed to educate about historical facts the Vatican has attempted to keep hidden for centuries in order to protect its authority. The threat to the Vatican has to be understood. If the information in the Da Vinci Code is true, the authority of the patriarchal power structure is tremendously threatened. Actually the Da Vinci Code was not the first book that suggested that Jesus had a child with Mary Magdalene, and that this child was at the beginning of the bloodline of the Merowingian royalty. These books have existed for years.

The other day we went to Notre Dame again and the changes there are very interesting: The chapelle of Mary Magdalene, accessible and illumined by lights only a few weeks ago, now was closed, covered in heavy black curtains and all lights switched off. Most churches here in France are full of ancients symbols. For myself I can say that I often do not know what I am looking at when I stand before paintings, windows and sculptures. Raylene continues to astound me in the way she looks at the intricate art work and symbols and connects the dots to where understanding dawns.

After the Da Vinci Code movie was released, what symbols are to be found at the chapelle of Mary Magdalene that now have to be hidden by a black curtain?

And there also high up in Notre Dame we saw a very intricate wooden relief, depicting Christ and the 12 apostles. Raylene pointed out to me the figure right next to him was a woman, placing her head on his chest in what clearly seemed to be a very affectionate gesture. There are so many expressions that indicate the existence of great affection between Christ and Mary Magdalene. The Dead Sea Scrolls revealed that Christ kissed Mary Magdalene on the mouth and that Peter was jealous and upset about that. If Mary Magdalene was Christ's Beloved and most favorite, how could the Catholic church continue to justify its all-male leadership?

No doubt, the Da Vinci Code is going to create a great awakening by directing the attention of many people to where it should have been directed a long time ago.


At 2:02 AM, Anonymous Nathalie J2rome said...

Thank you for these revelations, which I felt inside...

At 2:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for these revelations, which I felt inside...


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