A Journey In Consciousness

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Human Suffering

Spiritual Teachings that do not address the reality of human suffering are very incomplete. Teachings that suggest that all suffering is illusion are downright stupid while sounding vaguely mysterious.

When a human being is in suffering, this reality must be addressed in two ways. First, there must be an exploration of how this suffering can be alleviated. Sometimes the solution is not a spiritual technique, but rather $20 for a meal. If possible, this should be provided by activating genrosity.

If there exists emotional/psychological suffering due to life circumstances, powerful techniques that invoke the help of Heavy Hitters from the Divine League can be provided. This is what we do.

At the same time it is important to explore one important question. How did we get into this mode of suffering? It is by making choices that are opposed to our well-being. We make these choices because we do not know better at the time and also because we often choose to not listen. From my own experiences I can say that often the universe provided me with advice prior to an accident in life. Sometimes it was a whisper, at other times very direct invitations to go a certain route. When I chose to not listen, because my ego-mind structure suggested Oh, I know better… then I faced at times serious crashes due to my inability to listen in situations when I should have.

The ego-mind structure is a phenomenon that consists of several programs that seem to be always up and running. Those programs are : I am right and they are wrong. I know and they don’t. I am afraid of what I don’t know.

These programs are the essence of the ego-mind structure. Most interactions between people are based on these programs. Seldom the exchanges are dominated by the heart, which is capable of innocently saying, I don’t know. Teach me. I will listen.

There was a story of a man who came to Jesus to be healed. Jesus healed him and then said, Go and sin no more.

What Christ meant was, look at the way you caused your own suffering and stop repeating the program. This is hugely important, because it is almost pointless to bring alleviation of suffering without pointing out to how the suffering was self-created and suggesting …. Don’t do it again!

To expose the patterns of how suffering is created is a tremendously important part of the healing.

To bring methods that alleviate suffering, point out how suffering was created, and point to the experience of spiritual awakening and the tools to activate it – these three modalities create a body of Spiritual Teachings that is complete.

Such a teaching will have the power and the potency to confront very difficult karmic circumstances and bring alleviation against all odds.


At 1:56 AM, Blogger Billy Guilfoyle said...

Oh yes, we are the cause of our own suffering, this is fact. And the fact is that we are our own teachers in this way. That's exciting to me. We are our educational leaders. This is phenomenal!!! Full responsibility is ours in this way. Of course there still is the question of why bad things happen. Or, Why do planes crash or whatever? So we'll see what the universe reveals along this line of thought. It will most likely be a personal revelation, most likely.

At 9:21 AM, Blogger Andreas Mamet (Sw. Anand Karunesh) said...

The "bad" things that happen are merely the reactions to the "bad" things we did in the past. We just don't see the connections, because they are usually lost in time. If an airplane crashes, just imagine an entire group of Nazis sitting in them, rather than the current physical expressions. Then it will make sense.

At 12:26 PM, Blogger Billy Guilfoyle said...

Whoa! That's a totally new concept for me. One which I'll have to dig deeper on. So "bad" in this sense is another word for "karmic" I assume. There has been a deep sense of guilt experienced for a number of years at the realization of personal fortune and talent juxtaposed against the perception of the misfortune of others. So this way of viewing things may just be freeing in a sense.

However, it also feels like some may see this as a form of punishment (viewing that the plane is full of Nazis), which would bring about in some minds the idea of a punisher. For all who read this, can we clear this up a bit? I mean explain a little deeper? Perhaps in a blog post of sorts?


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