A Journey In Consciousness

Friday, November 10, 2006

A Time of Intensifying Currents

We live in a time of intensifying currents of events. Some of those currents are very good, others are not.

Therefore I wish to invite all the practitioners around the world, those of you you have developed a passion for prayer, meditation and consciousness, to intensify your practices. If you meditate and pray 20 minutes in the morning, double that time. If you set aside one hour for practice, please set aside 2 hours, along your attitudinal practicing throughout the day. It is necessary.

If you are working, get up 30 minutes earlier and initiate a Dialogue with the Divine in some fashion. Be that through prayer, mantra or seeking the Silence. During your lunch break, finish your food quickly and seclude yourself for another 15 minutes of Divine Dialogue.

Even if you are tired, do this also before going to be, conditioning your dreamtime to be also a time dedicated to Divine Dialogue. It is important to step up the intensity of spiritual practice.

We live in times both crucial and filled with opening doors of opportunity.


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