A Journey In Consciousness

Monday, September 11, 2006

Expansion meeting Contraction

By Andreas Mamet
© 2006

When the expanded state of being meets the contracted state of being, when illumination meets the shadow, a very specific set of psychological responses is set in motion.

Upon contact with the expanded state of being, the contracted state of being is forced into a response. It will look at the expansion and will either feel “This is what I want to happen to me also. How can I go about and become … this?” In this scenario the contracted state will seek to learn and activate the modality of expansion. In other words, the response is humble and it allows its own desire for growth to be given room.

Or, the other alternative is that the shadow will look at the illumination and respond from a competitive angle. In that case, the shadow will say, “Oh, who do you think you are? Whatever you can do, I can do and much better.” The shadow is actually overwhelmed by the presence of illumination and does not believe that this reality is possible for itself. Therefore, it must deny the reality of illumination. Not only that, it may in some form or other, attack illumination. In this situation the shadow will seek to lessen the light, so it can be more or not appear to be less.

The former response is heart-based. The latter response is ego-based.

Both responses seek to dissolve the contrast but because the heart-based response seeks to merge with the light, it expresses humility, honoring and respect.

In simple terms it can be said that if a person is heart-centered, it will be easy to be happy for another’s happiness, fulfillment and success.

If the heart-centeredness is absent and a person operates from the usual ego-mind structure, then envy and jealousy will dictate the responses and the person will need, as said, others to be less in order to appear to be more. We are face-to-face with a soul shrinker. Which is a dangerous thing to be.

Therefore, as one evolves and deepens as a human being, it becomes important to recognize who belongs to our inner, spiritual family and who does not. Members of our spiritual family will root for us and encourage us. They will cheer us on on our path to greater existential depth and will also support our outer success.

It is advised that we identify people who need us to be less so they can be more and divorce ourselves from them as swift as possible.

At the same time those who cheer us on and are happy for our happiness, they need to be treasured and surrounded with our gratitude. They are gems and they represent the true meaning of friendship.


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